winter circle Asterism

What is an Asterism ?
In observatory Astronomy , an asterism is a popularly known pattern or group of stars that can be seen in the night sky.

The Winter Circle ,also known as the winter hexagon and winter football , is an Asterism composed of brightest stars in the constellations of Canis major, Orion , Taurus , Auriga , Gemini , Canis Minor.
Milky way passes vertically through winter football.

Stars that make up the Winter Circle .

The Winter Hexagon is made up of
  • Sirius of Canis Major 
  • Rigel of  Orion 
  • Aldebaran of Taurus
  • Capella of Auriga
  • Castor and Pollux of Gemini
  • Procyon of Canis Minor 

How to locate Winter circle in Night Sky ?

Start by facing Southwest and find Extremely bright star Sirius (which is the brightest object after venus in night sky),from there look at Orion's star which makes the front leg of Orion (Hunter)that is Rigel, from there look at Taurus's middle star,that is Aldebaran ,Aldebaran's upper left you can find yellowish Capella , from capella's left (lower )(overhead ) you can find the pair of stars , castor and Pollux .and finally bright star Procyon which is at the overhead of Hunter (orion).


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