which are these bright stars near moon tonight (2nd April ,2020)

On Thursday (2nd April), there appears three stars near the moon.
They are 

  1. Pollux
  2. Castor 
  3. Procyon

which are best visible at 19:30 IST in the direction 321.71 NW ,324.19 NW and 242.48 SW. respectively .
Pollux and Castor are belongs to Gemini Constellation.


  • It is the brightest star in the Gemini constellation.
  • It is about 34 light years from Sun and closest giant star to the sun.
  • It's estimated age is about 724 million years 
  • It has surface temperature of 4865k (0.84 times that of Sun)
  • Mass is about 4.057X1030   Kg (which is 2.04 times that of Sun)
  • It's radius is 6.1222 million Km ( 8.79 times that of Sun)

  • It is the second brightest star in the Gemini constellation .
  • It has mass equivalent to 2.76 times that of Sun
  • Surface temperature is about 10286k ( 1.78 times that of Sun)
  • It's estimated age is about 370 million years .
  • It is 51 light years distant from earth.

  • It is the brightest star in in the Canis Minor constellation.
  • It is 8th brightest star in the Night sky.
  • Procyon is a binary star system Procyon A , Procyon B. The average separation of these two star components is 15 A.U , a little less distance than distance between Uranus and Sun.
  • It is about 11.45 light years distant from earth and therefore it is one of the earth's nearest STELLAR NEIGHBORS 

Out of these 3 stars ,Procyon would be hard to pick out without the help of tonight's moon.On the other hand ,Castor and Pollux are highly noticeable in the night sky , as no other two such bright stars appear close together .

Watch path of moon and these stars:

                                                              - PVGaniga

Listen to : Raksha Rao on Spotify


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