Venus and Pleiades conjunction ( Once in 8 years )

Pleiades star cluster( which is at 400 light years distant away from earth ) and Venus planet come to conjunction (the two space objects which are not actually close , but they appears to be close in sky) Although the Venus and Pleiades star cluster has a conjunction every year, the best conjunction only come in April and reoccur in the cycles of 8 years. Last time it was in 2012 .and it is came again in April 2,3,4  2020.

Best visible at : altitude 22.63 , direction 290.82° (NW)

The conjunction will peak Friday evening
 ( April 3), when venus  and the Pleiades star is separated by a mere 0.25 degrees.

Look at the western sky after sunset ,After 18:45 PM bright Venus will be very hard to miss.

  • Pleiades is also called as Messier 45 ( Krittika Nakshatra in Indian astronomy and Astrology)
  • Are an open cluster containing middle aged ,Hot B-type stars 
  • located in Taurus constellations.
  • one of the nearest star cluster to earth .

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