What is NGC 4689 ?

NGC 4689 is a SPIRAL GALAXY located about 54 million light years away in the constellation of  COMA BERENICES .
NGC 4689 is also classified as LINER GALAXY.
NGC 4689 is inclined at an angle of about 36° which means that the galaxy is seen almost face -on to the Earth's line of sight .
NGC 4689 was discovered by astronomers WILLIAM HERSCHEL on APRIL 12, 1784 . The galaxy is a member of VIRGO CLUSTER .

                        DECLINATION  -13°45'46''

                        DISTANCE   -     54,025,244 LY

                         SIZE   -       ~ 74,581.58 LY (Estimated)

Star formation :
The star forming disk in NGC 4689 has been truncated which means that the amount of star formation has been reduced  significantly. This truncation may have been caused by an interaction with intracluster medium of VIRGO CLUSTER causing the galaxy to lose much of its interstellar medium in an effect known as RAM-PRESSURE STRIPPING .Due to its reduced amount of star formation , NGC 4689 has been classified as an ANEMIC GALAXY.

source : wikipedia

see also : what is NGC 602 ?


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