Rigveda advocated Heliocentic model before Copernicus

image credits:https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3bGraeIkaJw/maxresdefault.jpg
We all know about Heliocentric model proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543. This model positioned the sun near the center of Universe, motionless , with Earth and other planets orbiting around it in circular paths.

Copernicus's Heliocentric model

But, Did you know ? Long before Copernicus , the vedas advocated the heliocentic model of the solar system. 

One such instance is Rigveda :

Rig veda 10.149.1 reads :

SAVITAR fixed the earth with bands to bind it, and made heaven stedfast where no prop supported. Savitar milked, as ’twere a restless courser, air, sea bound fast to what no foot had trodden.

The science in this mantra is that the sun holds the earth and all planents continuosly and rotates which is known as revolution with the perfection.Savitar or sun fixed it's axis to all the planents like a rope tied to horse and savitor looks for perfect revolution of all the planets with exactly same distance from planets even though revolving or rotating.The centre of our solar system is sometimes exactly at the sun and sometime just a distance nearby.So here earth is fixed but in accordance with sun.



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